How to apply

There are currently no open requests for applications for Opportunity Now. We look forward to sharing more about Phase 3 awardees in spring 2025.
In Phase 3, OEDIT anticipates awarding up to seven $1 million grants to industry, employers, intermediaries, educational institutions, and workforce innovators scaling proven models or approaches to addressing Colorado’s talent gaps.

Three $1 million grants for programs operating in the infrastructure, health care, education, and/or early childhood education sectors, and four $1 million grants for programs operating in the behavioral health sector.
Apply by February 7, 2025.
We anticipate Phase 3 to be highly competitive. Review the resources below carefully to ensure your organization and partners are eligible to develop a strong, focused application. Please note key changes have been made to the program from previous rounds.
Applicant Process Guide
Review our guide carefully for detailed information about program eligibility, the application, and technical support.
Colorado Data Resources
Colorado Future Jobs provides industry and workforce demand and supply data that can help identify and respond to employment needs.
Resource Blogs
Review these resource blogs for best practices to help ensure your program is aligned with Phase 3.
Phase 3 Overview Webinar
Watch this pre-recorded webinar for an overview of program eligibility, rubric criteria, sectors and more. Access the presentation here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Review our full list of Frequently Asked Questions, which we will update throughout the application period.
Is my program eligible for Opportunity Now funding?
To be eligible for Opportunity Now Phase 3 funding, proposals must be related to the following sectors per legislation HB22-1350, HB24-1365, and SB22-181:
- Behavioral Health*
- Education
- Early Childhood Education
- Health Care
- Infrastructure**
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Clean Energy
- Construction Trades
- Information Technology
- Telecommunications
- Transportation (including rail)
Strategies proposed for Opportunity Now awards must directly result in participants being placed into sector-related jobs. Behavioral health and infrastructure sectors are considered high-priority sectors and will receive additional weight in the application scoring rubric.***
Please see the Applicant Process Guide for full program eligibility details.
*Behavioral healthcare workforce definition is adapted from “behavioral health provider” in SB 22-181 meaning a recovery community organization, a recovery support services organization as defined in section, or a licensed organization that provides diagnostic, therapeutic, or psychological services for behavioral health conditions.
**Opportunity Now Phase 3 will utilize the Department of Labor’s high-demand infrastructure sectors to identify infrastructure related sectors.
***Infrastructure and behavioral health sectors are identified as priority sectors for Opportunity Now Phase 3 funding per HB24-1365 and SB22-181 legislation.
What is the grant period?
Opportunity Now Phase 3 grants are anticipated to start Summer 2025 and will end on the following dates:
- Behavioral health sector grants will have an end date of June 30, 2026.
- Infrastructure, health care, education, and early childhood education grants will have an end date of October 31, 2026.
Please note that the grant start date may fluctuate depending on the duration and complexity of the due diligence and procurement processes. However, the grant end date is fixed and no extensions will be granted.
If I’m an existing grantee for Phase 1 or 2 of Opportunity Now, can I apply for Phase 3 funding?
Yes, existing Phase 1 and 2 grantees may apply for Phase 3 grant funding. Please review the programmatic details and eligibility criteria carefully for Phase 3 in the Applicant Process Guide, as there are key changes to this phase of funding.