There are currently no open requests for applications for Opportunity Now.
We look forward to sharing more about Phase 3 awardees in spring 2025.

Phase 2: Identify & Respond Directly to Employment Demands 


Opportunity Now Colorado was created to fund sustainable workforce strategies that address employer and worker demand across Colorado and its vast regions. Strong programs will provide a viable and appropriate model in response to the talent needs identified by employers in their target region and industry. 

Understanding Demand

The first step is to understand employer needs and in your target industry and region. Colorado Future Jobs can be your first stop in researching talent demand. Developed by the Attainment Network and Luminance, this resource provides timely insight into regional industry demands, occupation demands, and employment preferences of learners and earners throughout Colorado. 

In addition, the Colorado Talent Pipeline Report can serve as a guide to better  understanding statewide employment trends and priority areas as defined by the state of Colorado. This annual report, released at the end of each calendar year, utilizes data from the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) Office of Labor Market Information (LMI) to analyze and highlight key opportunities and challenges in Colorado’s workforce.

The 2022 Report demonstrated the growing need for talent in Colorado — last year, there were two job openings for every available worker. It provides industry information on the fastest-growing sectors in Colorado and the top jobs by industry. The report also provides information on learners and earners in Colorado’s workforce, which can help you better understand how to support Opportunity Now’s focus populations with attaining job placement and career advancement opportunities. 

Additional Resources