There are currently no open requests for applications for Opportunity Now.
We look forward to sharing more about Phase 3 awardees in spring 2025.

Phase 2 Application Reopened to November 1, 2023

Opportunity Now Phase 2 application process will be reopened through 5:00pm MT on Wednesday, November 1, 2023. This is due to a number of concerns raised by applicants regarding the Submittable system, in particular regarding applicants’ ability to upload supporting information.

Given the importance of this process to applicant organizations and the State of Colorado, the program team  is extending the application deadline to ensure all applicants have the same opportunity to submit a complete application package, including all relevant materials to be uploaded before the submission deadline. As such, all Opportunity Now applicants are granted an unrestricted extension to i) edit existing applications, or ii) submit a new application if one had not been submitted already. 

Please follow the instructions below to take advantage of this extension. We strongly encourage all applicants to submit the application package prior to the final deadline to avoid future technical difficulties as no further extensions will be available.

i) If you already submitted an application and wish to make edits:

In order to be granted edit access in the system, applicants must request the ability to edit in the Submittable platform in line with the instructions linked here

Requests will be granted by the program administration team as timely as possible, and no later than one business day after the request has been made. The program administration team will process each request within business hours, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm MT. After the edit request has been granted, applicants can begin editing. You must submit edits before the deadline listed above for these to be accepted and recorded in the system. We encourage you to request access to your application as soon as possible and at least 24 hours before the November 1st deadline.

We request that applicants edit their existing application rather than submitting a new application in order to ensure that the correct application is processed throughout the grant selection process. 

ii) If you have not yet submitted your application:

You may submit an application following the process outlined in the RFA Process Guide.

Technical Support

If you are encountering trouble with the Submittable platform, we encourage you to get in touch with the application platform technical support directly at [email protected] and copy (CC) the Opportunity Now team ([email protected]). Please note, Submittable Technical Support is open 9am – 5pm MT Monday – Friday.

In addition, please notify the grant administration team of any ongoing technical issues at [email protected] with the subject ‘Continued Tech Issues’ so we can document and address technical issues on an individual basis.

Additional troubleshooting tips are included below should you have further difficulties. 

Our sincere thanks and best wishes,

The Opportunity Now Team

Troubleshooting Tips

If you are having difficulties submitting or saving a form, please try the following troubleshooting steps:

1. Be sure your form is saving properly. Is a “Draft Saved” message appearing periodically as you work? Do you see a message like this at the end of the form?

saved draft

If not, SAVE any long answers you can see on the form to a Word or note document in case you lose them. Close the form. When you reopen it, make sure you’re seeing the above signals that your work is saving properly.

2. When leaving your draft after seeing the Draft Saved message, close the tab or window. Different computers, phones, and browsers all have settings that can cause a browser page to time out and become non-functional. Closing the tab or window will ensure that you are using a fresh and functional browser page the next time you go to work on your submission.

3. Use the latest version of your browser. Be sure that you are using the latest browser version for your operating system. We recommend using the latest versions of Chrome or Firefox. Submittable attempts to maintain backward compatibility with older browser versions. However, you will always have the best experience if your browser is updated to the latest version.

4. Clear your cache. It is often helpful to clear your browser’s recent history. Here’s how to do that on your browser. After clearing your browser cache, restart your computer.

5. Try a different device. If you are trying to upload files or submit from a mobile device, try using a laptop or desktop instead.

6. Double check that you are not missing any required fields with a red asterisk. Also, check to make sure you have adhered to word/character count limits.

  • Please Note: Starting a form field with a dash “-” will cause the word counter to stop working for that form field. You will not be notified if you exceed the word limit. Removing the dash from the beginning of your answer will activate the word counter again.

7. Attempt submission again. If you continue to experience issues after following these steps, please provide Submittable with a screenshot of the error so that they can further troubleshoot for you.