There are currently no open requests for applications for Opportunity Now.
We look forward to sharing more about Phase 3 awardees in spring 2025.
Archived Resources

Phase 2: Lead an Industry-Driven Model

This guide is relevant for all tracks of the Request for Application (RFA) and is relevant for industry partners. Overview Opportunity Now focuses on creating and scaling effective partnerships between industry and education to create job placement and advancement...

Phase 2: Establish a Strong, Outcomes-Driven Logic Model

This guide is relevant for the Scale and Seed tracks of the Request for Application (RFA). Overview We believe effective programs have established logic models that articulate the inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and overall impact for their program.  The...

Phase 2: Produce Evidence and Deliver Economic Mobility Outcomes

This guide is relevant for all tracks of the Request for Application (RFA). Overview The Opportunity Now RFA will ask you to provide evidence of the efficacy of your program and to develop an approach measuring outcomes through the grant program. This guide is...