The application for the next phase of Opportunity Now competitive funding is anticipated to launch Fall 2024.
Look out for more updates on the application process on our website in the coming weeks!

NEW! Opportunity Now Events Calendar

We’re excited to introduce the new Opportunity Now Events Calendar! We created this calendar in response to feedback for more notice ahead of events and reporting deadlines.

You can view the events calendar here and find it on the Grant Partner Hub under the “Upcoming Events” section on the right-hand side. 

What is included in the events calendar?

This calendar includes all tentative dates for Community of Practice learning events, office hours, financial reporting and data submission deadlines, and pulse checks for Phase 1 and Phase 2 Grant Partners through July 2025. Each event title includes the relevant grant phase and track in brackets. For example, [Phase 1 Seed & Scale], [All Seed & Scale], etc.

What are the event dates?

For reference, the tentative dates for these are:

DateGrant Phase & TrackTopic
7/18/24All Phase 2 Grant PartnersOffice Hours
7/30/24All Seed & ScaleDeadline: Financial Reporting due in Submittable
7/30/24Phase 1 Seed & ScaleDeadline: Annual Data Submission
8/8/24All Phase 2 Grant PartnersPerformance Reporting Technical Assistance Session
9/26/24All Grant PartnersCommunity of Practice Learning Event
10/17/24All Grant PartnersOffice Hours
10/30/24All Seed & ScaleDeadline: Financial Reporting due in Submittable
10/30/24All Seed & ScaleDeadline: Pulse Checks via Submittable
12/19/24All Grant PartnersCommunity of Practice Learning Event
1/16/25All Grant PartnersOffice Hours
1/30/25All Seed & ScaleDeadline: Financial Reporting due in Submittable
1/30/25All Seed & ScaleDeadline: Pulse Checks via Submittable
3/20/25All Grant PartnersCommunity of Practice Learning Event
4/17/25All Grant PartnersOffice Hours
4/30/25All Seed & ScaleDeadline: Financial Reporting due in Submittable
4/30/25All Seed & ScaleDeadline: Pulse Checks via Submittable
6/19/25All Grant PartnersCommunity of Practice Learning Event
7/17/25All Grant PartnersOffice Hours
7/30/25All Seed & ScaleDeadline: Financial Reporting due in Submittable
7/30/25All Seed & ScaleDeadline: Annual Data Submission due
7/30/25Phase 2 Seed & ScaleDeadline: Pulse Checks via Submittable

Will I still get email reminders about events?

Yes! Don’t worry – we’ll continue to send email reminders before each deadline and event with the Zoom registration link and more information about what you can expect during the session. We hope this calendar is another way for you to see what’s coming up and plan for the year ahead. 

I have a Google account. How can I add this events calendar so that it shows up on my Google Calendar? 

  1. If you have a Google account and want to add the Opportunity Now events to your calendar, click here

2. You’ll be taken to your own Google Calendar and be prompted to add this calendar. Click “add.”

3. Opportunity Now events should now show up on your calendar. If you’d like to hide this calendar at any point, go to the left-hand bar of your calendar screen, scroll down to “Other Calendars,” and uncheck the box next to “Opportunity Now: Grant Partners Events Calendar.” 

I don’t have a Google account. Can I still view the calendar?

Yes, you can still view upcoming events through this link.

If you have any questions about the events calendar, please email us at [email protected].