The application for the next phase of Opportunity Now competitive funding is anticipated to launch Fall 2024.
Look out for more updates on the application process on our website in the coming weeks!

WATCH: Phase 2 Grant Partner Kickoff!

Dear Phase 2 Grant Partners,

Congratulations again on being an Opportunity Now Phase 2 Grant Partner! We were so happy to welcome members of your project teams, including your Fiscal Leads, during the Phase 2 Grant Partner Kickoff Event.

During this session, you:

  • Met the grant administration team and connected names to faces
  • Joined a community of support, learning, and collaboration across organizations
  • Received a high-level overview of financial and performance reporting expectations and processes, and
  • Learned about the support and resources available to Grant Partners

We’re looking forward to publishing a Grant Partner Directory, which will include our Phase 1 and Phase 2 Grant Partners, their Lead Contacts and other details so that you can continue to build community and network. In order to make this tool as helpful for you as possible, please fill out this short 2-minute survey by Thursday, May 16th.

If you weren’t able to join the session, or you joined and want a refresher, please review the recording and slides below. Thank you for sharing your insightful questions during the event – we will leverage these to update our Grant Partner FAQ in the coming days.

If you have any general questions, or questions about the Colorado Action & Evaluation Lab, please reach out to us at [email protected].