The application for the next phase of Opportunity Now competitive funding is anticipated to launch Fall 2024.
Look out for more updates on the application process on our website in the coming weeks!
Grant Partner Hub – Events

Performance Reporting Webinar – December 7, 2023

This session provides an overview of the Performance Reporting structure, updates made to reduce the reporting burden, and a list of resources to support deeper understanding. Please watch this session to get an overview of the performance reporting requirements and...

Subrecipient Monitoring Session – October 25, 2023

This webinar session. outlines requirements and best practices for Lead Applicants to effectively monitor subrecipients and ensure compliance with Opportunity Now guidelines. Watch the Webinar See the Presentation

Reporting Office Hours – October 24, 2023

In support of Seed or Scale grant, this initial office hour will focus on your questions related to financial reporting and working with Submittable. Please include your colleagues who are responsible for financial reporting and or uploading information to...

Grant Partner Kick-Off – August 30th, 2023

The Grant Partner Kick-Off provides an introduction to Phase 1 Grant Partners' organizations and solutions to our community, and overview of the expectations for successful implementation, and share the support available to grantee partners. Watch the Webinar See the...

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