Opportunity Now
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Latest Program Updates
Phase 3 Application Now Open for Opportunity Now Colorado
In Phase 3, OEDIT plans to award up to seven $1 million grants to industry, employers, intermediaries, educational institutions, and workforce innovators scaling proven models or approaches to addressing Colorado’s talent gaps.
We’re Proud to Announce Opportunity Now’s Phase 2 Grant Recipients!
Opportunity Now is proud to announce that over $55M in grants have been awarded to 43 organizations across Colorado. Grant recipients represent 190 businesses and 218 education partners in 17 industries, with nearly half of the funding supporting rural communities....
Phase 2 Application Reopened to November 1, 2023
Opportunity Now Phase 2 application process will be reopened through 5:00pm MT on Wednesday, November 1, 2023. This is due to a number of concerns raised by applicants regarding the Submittable system, in particular regarding applicants' ability to upload supporting...
NEW! Sign Up for Opportunity Now Office Hours
Opportunity Now will be offering a full day of Office Hours for applicants to meet with the Opportunity Now grant administration team and gain one-on-one assistance with their application. To accommodate the large volume of applicants, each applicant will have ~10-15...
Phase 2 Applications are Now Open!
Phase 2 Applications are now open, with over $50 million available to employers, educational institutions, and workforce innovators to implement and scale workforce models that address Colorado’s regional talent and workforce needs.
We’re proud to announce Opportunity Now’s Phase 1 grant recipients!
Opportunity Now is proud to announce nearly $27M in grants have been awarded to 46 total Phase 1 grantees across our Scale, Seed, and Planning grant tracks. Our Phase 1 grantees demonstrated the intentional creation and/or extension of partnerships between education...
Awarded an Opportunity Now Grant? Check out the designated resources and learning events in our Grant Partner Hub.
Industry TA Session: Building Industry-Led Programs & Partnerships – September 26th, 2023
This session is a dedicated technical assistance webinar for industry partners. This webinar will explain why industry partnership is critical to successful programming and demonstrate how to apply and leverage the Opportunity Now grant as an industry partner. Watch...
Session 3: Implementing Evidence-Based Strategies – October 5th, 2023
This session examines evidence-based practices and data-informed solutions to guide project planning and implementation. This session also explores the key elements of a logic model, a tool to support program planning, implementation, management, evaluation, and...
Session 2: Creating Demand-Driven Pathways in the Talent Pipeline – September 28th, 2023
This session provides guidance and recommendations for building demand-driven pathways and sustaining highly effective employer and education partnerships. Participants engaged in conversations on leveraging the expertise and capacity of industry to implement training...
Session 1: Supporting Underserved and Rural Communities – September 21st, 2023
This session provides effective strategies for serving historically marginalized populations and populations of persistent poverty including those with low literacy, limited English, and individuals with other barriers to employment and training. Participants will...